Stop waiting for everything to be perfect, to be happy.
If you want to make everyone happy, sell ice cream.
Being epic is an attitude. We all learn from our lives & life itself is an epic journey. Not necessarily it has to be an exceptionally long and arduous one. Just Do your thing. Don't stop until you're satisfied. Do not harbor regrets of what could have been. Never ask yourself what if.
Becoming an adult is probably the dumbest thing you could do. Funny thing about getting older; Your eyesight starts getting weaker but your ability to see through people's bullshit gets much better. Common-sense is not a gift, its a punishment. Because you have to deal with everyone who doesn’t have it. The more you understand certain things, the more you wish you didn't understood them & it makes you sad. We live in a time where intelligent people are being silenced so that stupid people won’t be offended. You know too much psychology when you cant get mad at people because you understand everyone’s reason for doing everything.
We all go a little mad sometimes. It's too common to fake, & it gets way more complex & uncommon to have a clear mind. We've all become way too choosy & sensitive. It is not necessary to react to everything you notice. Don't be afraid to act like you fucking care.
Choices...But do we decide them, or do they decide us? Its entirely one's choice, how they'd want things to work for them. Sometimes people are so engrossed with their choices, they completely forget about everything & everyone else. Even the strongest feelings expire when ignored & taken for granted. Anyone can stay alone all there life struggling to deal with their decisions & end up presuming & living in a world of there own.
“When you sit in your bathroom on the toilet trying to explode the bowl and in the process you blow up the entire house.”
No that's not what epic shit is all about. Its more than a phrase. It’s a feeling. It’s coming alive, putting life in your years, having a sense of humor, it’s feeling the fear and doing it anyway, it’s taking risks. It’s being open to personal growth and opportunities. Its about doing something outside your normal comfort zone or stepping outside your own inner battle to support others. Keep experiences fun and try things in life.
“If you want something you never had before, you have to do something you've never done before." - Dina Reed
You are dust, and you will return to dust. Fall in love with as many things possible! Go laugh in the places you’ve cried. Change the narrative.
Everything is a piece of shit at the end of the story.
Everything is so damn temporary & goes from good to shitty so fast.
I hope your story turns out to be one...completely and utterly so.
So, What's the hold up?
Do Epic Shit. Eh!. - Anonymous