Saturday, November 23, 2019

Hebdomad - 7 Stories,Part(2)

Memorizing over what a weekend it had been. 7 Things that kept me busy for all these 7 days, including trying to google what a "fata hua doodh" was called in English (sour raw milk, that's what it came up with, still trying to find the exact term for it) and its uses. did pampered the garden with few cups of milk, and the rest kept to be applied to thy skin & hair, & one full bowl to the dog.

1. Holy Cow - If I had a cow at home & knew how to,I would have been the one milking it 'all day long. I certainty must have been a milk-man in my previous birth, if not so, I definitely must have had something to do with milk, because the addiction of it never seems to lessen a bit, but the craving for it - "I am just a cow-boy, you see with milk in my pistols"

2. Lizard - This squamate reptile seems to have been my new bathroom mate these days. every time I enter, I make this whistle sound, that makes thee understand, that it does not have to be afraid, its me, and I wont do any harm to it. Still couldn't make out what was its sexual orientation, whether a male or female or a juvenile, will let google do that ,though in the process I got to know a long list of omens related to it. It happily seems to be sitting sliding on the netted window pane hopping like a spider-man, and on the tiled walls, searching for its prey(flies/insects etc), it is one exciting job to observe the whole process though, however I make it a point, to check around before I enter. "Lizy-Lizy on the wall, preying on the wall so tall, 'I often wonder' why you don't fall"?

3. Thy Leafage - Planned safe directions to keep the planted (pots) under shade, since its getting hotter and there goes in too much water to the greener browner yellowish and colorful stemmed flora rooted in thy mud. they still seem to be longing in anguish for more, despite my effort to water thee is a routine but seldom gets delayed. Need some showers of rain on regular intervals to rehabilitate, reintegrate thy perennial verdure in the process of repatriation. The pots have been warmly picked up with a hug closer to my heart(chest) and are well placed as of now, I noticed this lizard fell on from nowhere onto this plant, with its eyes almost closed, as if it was sleeping and I might have disturbed its sleep or I've even heard that some of them feed on plant. either-way it vanished - with a sigh of relief.(either it was afraid of me, or it thought I might get afraid of thee) while continuing my task, looking at thy plants blooming & dead-decaying, I felt like a mother getting emotional nurturing ones kids & worried to the core at the same time about there upbringing & seasonal demise. The birds, butterflies and squirrels are enjoying the new placement too, I hear more noises, then before, and guess it brings a lot more positivism around. The playfulness of all the petite wondrous things in & around with a breeze & the cloudy sky above my head, made me wish "it drizzled" & I could just feel those droplets on my skin, while I stood there looking at the green grass grow & rejoice to thee..

4. Washing Clothes - 21 clothes loaded, collected and kept for over a week now, counted & piled, can't run the machine with few ones in it & since they say on Thursday you don't wash clothes, so its time to do it now before I went to sleep, just remind me I got to switch it off, just in case I forget.
5. Nocturnal-Wanderer - that I have already become, as the day passes, its summer-some, deserted horrid petite winds( if there are any that is), or a no wind phase, hot enough to melt you down. Winding up the day with few of the chores at home and on work front along with phone calls, chit-chats, seeing a face or more virtually & in real makes you realize that things makes sense, and you don't always have to look-out for the relation between any, and to the others, you have to learn to say no. The useless communication that has no witty chance of involvement in for real, just virtually lame is as much it could go, one could do justice to the willfulness of a skillful task of pampering and exchanging.unlimited artificial confrontations by putting an end to thee just at the right time. .With a deep breath of peace, a heavy heart, a empty brain, and a thoughtful Friday - did anyone read dry-day, no no, I wasn't talking about it all, I might come up with that sometime soon..

6. Shades of Grey - I see thy world through my glares on, fully clothed in grey Allen-Solly checkered trouser, a black Wrangler tee, footed to thy black Converse, with no socks on(which was a good idea), since I realized that I was already perspiring in this sunny noon, all covered up with piles on me, walking down the isle 'with headphones to my ears, hooked on to thy gadgetry called phone' listening to I came some kilometers away, which seemed never to end in the process of trying to reach out to the stubborn objective (where I needed to visit), pleased with the fact of my meritorious effort of making it so far on foot. I decided to walk few more steps until this rickshaw puller passed by, I called him and sat with a breath of relief, trying to re-collect my enthusiasm for this destined destination. This sudden outburst of emotions, partially clouded, as they seemed, feeling a bit lost with a varied thoughtfulness of everything that barged my head and heart and seldom came down to a sigh of peace & still making it to thee. Getting this work through, and hopping on to chase the next one, forgetting to tell him where to take turns, and then immediately guiding him to do the needful. While I tried gaining back my enthusiasm over this disturbed troubled break-down phase, that had hit me from no where, everything started making sense & no sense at the same time in between the process of completing my third task & the last one,(I bet) & by now I figured out, if I continued any further it would only be a miraculously winning Oscars or Grammy for handful of tasks. Inhaling & exhaling, saying to myself. please do take me back home now. sitting there on the rickshaw, looking and admiring the rickshaw puller's hard working, tall, toned physique figuratively and literally, telling to myself, why don't i posses the same & then realizing how much of hard work & effort they actually put-in to earn there bread in all seasons.over- exercising over the paddles carrying the load & we were the ones carrying nothing but the loath,,,,I asked to myself - should i ask him for water when I reached home, if i was thirsty & all the more hungry (avoiding looking at those tempting street food stalls that passed by) "He sure must be". Reaching down to the directed indications of home sweet home, and asking him, how much do I owe you?, to which he said, give me what you please, and can I ask you for a favor he said? can you please fill this water bottle of mine,on your way back when you bring thy change to give me. I said, certainly, and awestruck in the intuitive telepathy of the game of human psyche, I smiled when he made his way back. rushing in, to the refrigerator to drink anything, quenching my thirst, and shedding and loosening on to all the branded piled clothed ensembles and accessories,taking a breath of relief. so what if i am a piece of padded flab, I still have right to look into the mirror, and be naked & feel good or bad about it notoriously or a in vein

7. Floor Cleaning Spree - I took this Pipe,not long though' fitting it up knotting it up with the a piece of cloth string, to the tap, as it would not hold on to it, and slip, taking it to the next and then the next room to wash thy rooms. I swept the floor with the wiper, after all the soap and all the dirt, and all the corners were wet, quenched I should rather say, have been the spirits & souls, the seen/unseen, for it was after years that I decided to do this, then the normal usual broom & cleaning. the leftover thirsty, dusty, (souls) places shall follow the same process soon. I/It felt all cleaned up, at peace, believing I & the floors had a good bath. I always wished I had a swimming pool, where in, I could lie down for hours in solitude, undisturbed or with a partner in crime, and cherish thee.

The love songs tricked us all into believing in happy endings and knights in shining armor. - Anonymous

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