Friday, December 26, 2014

Obnoxiously Yours

He stood there holding his white pyjamas and watching over his ordure on them.

We were surrounded by a large number of people gathered together at our place - so disorganized & unruly. All I know, there was something going on. I stood amidst many faces unrecognizable, family members & few relatives were the ones, I could reckon with. Every head flashed for a while, but later vanished to an illusionary disappearing act. I had no clue or time to figure out anything about the comings and goings of anyone else, since It was only him that I was bothered - rubbing up the wrong way.

He stood there, troubled & uneasy, perturbed-disturbed, & in fractions of time, he started running, fleeing out of the boundaries of the house in a jiffy. There was no one doing nothing. I didn't knew, what to do, whom to tell, I couldn't get hold of anyone, there was no time. I could not have waited and watched. I started to follow him.I was breathless. Watching me walk away at pace slow, the search for him started to grow - there were few others running in all directions elsewhere.

He ran and ran, while I shouted his name loud. Looking back, noticing I was running after him - following - he made faster moves. There was something that had him tormented deep, he didn't wanted new ones to reap. There had been a lot worst we had in the past and he didn't wanted troubles anymore to last - his way of keeping me safe - out of reach of hampered spells cast.

Considering himself to be a victim victimizing the hazards upon, the whole indulgence had made him initiated this mourn upon.

I saw him last - going down this lane, entering the gate & disappeared again. I stood there on the gate with security not so tight, I started explaining things to the guards ‘a one or two’ - sooner or later - they might - asking for there help - to which they agreed to lend. The whole explaining and understanding that underwent, Finding him out was a crucial task & I had less time at my end. No one knew, where he went?

He seemed afraid of his surroundings, of people, of everything & everyone else - He was taken away from his ancestral home by hook-by crook to a completely unfamiliar & habitat so indifferent - surrounded by strangers strangely - being confined to absolutely nothing at his own sweet will - forceblly mistreated - a life, that was not humane anymore. It had been a long time since he saw familiar faces of loved ones whom he could relate to, sit with & talk to. He seemed like, he wanted to flee away from the clutches of an imprisonment that was barbarius. He was not in the pink of his health to be rebellious or revolt.Thy shall only make him suffer more & kill him, behold.

I wanted to stop him, console him & wanted him to confide. If only, I could - I would  ask him ‘what was it, that bothered him & he needed to hide - why? He was and forever be relatively familiar - the last one, I was left with...Now my hearts even heavier...sigh! Sad, what a pity - that he was taken away with intentions so witty - out of reach - out of sight with a forceful-right & everything had been turning insane & sorrowful for him & me - so shitty.

This obnoxious act - had me crying for help & I woke up midway with a phone call realizing it was a dream.

In anticipation - waiting for a clear picture, answers - eventually, hopefully in due course, by and by, in time, or in the long run, in the fullness of time, at some point in the future, one day, one of these fine days, some day, sometime, in time to come, sooner or later, when all is said and all is done, before its to late - I still await to learn. - Anonymous

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