Monday, October 31, 2011

HOW CLOSE is too close

When often getting close to people - do you find that sometimes, when you get too close being friends with them...both of you end up hating each other eventually? Close was too close to have been so close, to have ended in a closing.

This is what happened between most of my close friends. Initially, we get along very well. But when we get to know each other better and become closer, we end up getting either annoyed or not quite satisfied with each other as a result eventually fail to fall-in, & would rather fall-out of this friendship act. It's really strange how people who are closest to you are the ones who actually seem to have never ever gelled well to have been befriended at the first place. How harsh of a truth it might sound to be, but was the reality.

People with these friendships & relationships are pretty much deceiving
, they have there own set of presumable authentications that one need to prove & its not always that one would qualify completely in an eagerness to quench ones curious approach mending the amendments in ways - coming to ones rescue as the other person figured you all by oneself to be. Things that stay for a while or much long could be symptoms of an ever lasting one, but these momentum kinds of rehearsals that goes by into imitating and balancing in a jiffy are often short lived.

I don't feel like getting close to people anymore, I feel annoyed by most people. Or maybe I just haven't been meeting a right set of them. I totally agree, everyone is different, but then, how indifferent one could be to be friends would have actually made me realize if at all, we could forever just deal with the fact, that you may never find someone just like you. Meeting the right person completely sounded strangely strange to me (There was absolutely no perfect one) & at times there were strangers who would come so close & then fall apart the other second. Does other person even feel the same way or is it just me?

People are like vegetables, or bad-tasting medicine! -you just gotta swallow it. 

Its not just me who gets hurt every time, but I've also even seen people getting hurt by others - which has made me very hesitant to trust others. It might have kept me emotionally safe but I've turned out being a lonesome survivor.

Unfortunately, humans are social animals, and as much as I hate to admit it - we need a certain amount of human interaction, or we'll start to go crazy.  My overactive mind goes into overdrive - getting paranoid & my social anxiety getting worse.  So, I force myself to be as much sociable as I could, & try to ignore the discomfort that bothers me deep inside of intuitively believing that it wont last long. Even if I am not getting that emotional connection with someone,or it was rather a infatuation to console my self with or a fling that was actually good for as little as it lasted. The intimacy was a sour thing and it always looked good in books, & there was absolutely no one as intimate as your own self which just couldn't suffice. 

There's this girl I know. She has a boyfriend who she describes as sweet & caring, But mostly I see her always sitting extremely close to a boy (best friend, as she claims).Extremely close as in leaning onto him,leaning onto his chest and then sleeping basically on him,sitting on his lap and leaning on his face very close to hers, etc.  Worst thing is they seem to have a crush on each other. Personally I think she's going too far as she does have a boyfriend and she does look like one kinda flirty and easy. When I told her she needs to tell her boyfriend - she overreacted and told me that she loves him and that she will not leave him. When I told her not to get too physically close to that boy... she said, there was nothing wrong with that since they were "best friends." Well, she tells me that she's quite committed to her boyfriend so flirting around like that shouldn't be good. She's 18 - an "adult" from a small city called Barangay in Philippines where she's resides ,where everybody knows everybody and who wants to be labeled something bad specially. if you know how fast it would spread? She tells me more then a million times, that she loves her boyfriend but has a huge crush on her friend. It's not really my problem but I do care what others think of her,specially her own family or people around.

Leave her alone? I would if I weren't "in-charge" of her. I'm the one who pays all her bills because I'm like her parent(guardian). I'm not her parent, but I'm a relative of hers. - Anonymous

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