Tuesday, November 3, 2020


Being an asshole is a convenient choice.

Just drop something like a hot potato when you don't want to deal with it. Put it aside. Just turn a blind eye. Find yourself tons of excuses saying that you've tried your best. 'There's no choice, this is the way it works.'

The world is full of assholes. Wherever you live, whatever you do, odds are you’re surrounded by assholes or being one. The question is, what to do about it? “You have to know yourself, be honest about yourself, and rely on people around you to tell you when you’re being an asshole,”

This is an uncelebrated skill. Hell, it’s a skill that we look down on as a society and a culture because it’s unpleasant. But it’s a necessary part of the world. That is, assuming the asshole has a code of ethics. Maybe get off your asses every once in a while, eh?

I've been running away all my life. And I can't take it back. It's too late for regret. If I go on being a coward I'd hate myself for ever.

Not everything in life can be outsourced.

How do I stop being an asshole? Not witty, Just an Asshole(hole-ish).

"Be, Do & Have" "Often people attempt to live their lives backwards: they try to have more things, or more money, in order to do more of what they want so they will be happier. The way it actually works is the reverse. You must first be who you really are, then do what you love to do, in order to have what you want."- Margaret Young

Accept life, like a pair of walking legs; the foot forward has no pride and the foot backward has no shame, as they both know there situation will surely change. It's not that people have learning disabilities, but they just have trouble learning things that don't align with their highest values.

Know that contentment is never found by adding anything, but is found by subtracting whatever is artificial and illusory.- Vernon Howard

The body in particular has been imagined to be overfull of meaning. Bodies are occupied by miniature invaders. In everything there is information & language, from the tiny bacterial cell to the most secret end of a dream, we are over-filled with micro texts, codes & alphabets everywhere, and everywhere the rule of law & alien orders. Where in all this might there be room for an I?

Hormones get no respect. We think of them as the elusive chemicals that make us a bit moody, but these magical little molecules do so much more. Susannah Cahalan

I guess I'm kind of interested in that elusive search for a bond between life and work and between compassion and competitiveness. There's always something at the end you have to find to live a full life, but it's hard to find. Damien Chazelle

In fact, I believe the world needs its fair share of assholes. And that being an asshole is a valuable life skill. What I mean by “being an asshole” is a willingness to be disliked and/or to upset other people. And I believe that if more of us were able and willing to “flip the asshole switch,” the world would be a better place.- Anonymous

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