Sunday, May 22, 2011


“More of your conversation would infect my brain.” - William Shakespeare

Here from it all started and came to an End!

One of those times, when someone would want to keep the conversations going and wont stop - really wanting to communicate that bad!

At times its like that somethings sometime are better off when not face to face, and at times they are better face to face. At times you could just go about expressing in ways better and at times you just wont know how to react or answer!

No matter what all we discuss or talk about - it's always this conversation of  communication that keeps them going-growing. It could be sheer nonsense or utter surprising awestruck intellect. Conversations could either follow its own viciousness of circles and coming back to where it all started at the first place, and that does not mean once, but at more times too. There could be this series of random questions coming to you more often from the same person every time, and at times, that you would assume it being just such a waste taking them as just a means to have the conversation going & still having had one believed to be of communicative sorts.

At times conversations could take you for a ride, over-board, crossing the limits and at times just you would feel that there was more of a silence or these quarterly sudden pauses in a conversation then actual communication. These would take you to a low & high attributes of expected or unexpected - to an understanding of ones potential of being on a verge of so knowledgeable or a complete mess - a waste!

I had a friend who had visited me the other day, & I will not go in to the details though' but rather tell you about this series of discussions that we had throughout night.face to face!. We were meeting after a real long time & we had been friends just by chance, from no where & we did shared quite a lot of our insights & personal professional ordeals of almost thick & thin of everything relevant.

There are few people, you don't chose to be friends with, but destiny makes it happen & no matter how welcoming sorts it would all be, at times you would not even want an uninvited guest coming down pestering you without any thyme or reason & at times, you are left with no choices other then to deal with it.

After a glass of water that I asked him, if he would like to have,we sat for a while on the internet & started listening to songs , checking out & sharing few pictures & videos over smartphone (of the time we had spend together earlier on our way to Mumbai) & others (pictures of me, people in my life, family) & so on. When my friend commented upon one of my pics saying that i see to have had lost weight and looked better - That was one thing I felt good about... certainly &i had a big smile on my face!

As soon as we shifted to my room, he started to hit me with series of questions like, why were you not picking up my calls, and what's happening at your end, How's family, any plan's to get married?, Hows mom doing, hows work? hows life in general? to a lot more of things that were being inquired about & I was like on this mode - where I needed to think before I replied. Not everything was answerable, or was not meant to be answered or given explanations about.

In between I went to the kitchen to get something to eat for both of us, Keeping the food on the gas to get all heated up! with the answers somewhere moving from my heart to my mind and vice-versa of the questions I was asked! "Well not every time you ended up speaking (spilling) the truth & not with just about anyone, We all had our secrets inside & until unless you had actually figured out ways of finding comfort confronting to the like minded you were not willing to come out". I came back to the room putting everything on my bed, where we sat, eating & sipping & in between changing the frequency of the radio stations ,choosing what song we wanted to listen to. 

It had rained few hours back when we met & I was waiting for more of it to come, Since I was very fond of rains & all that munching & drinking had already given me a little high, but I was surprised why was not getting drunk at all, may be it was because of the stranger with his questions, that had left me with an anxiety of sorts & I was still trying to feed onto my randomness of answers in reciprocation (which wanted to hide in layers & at the same time wanted to come-out so very bad)

It took us a little while to settle down & relax on the bed, with pillows being adjusted, finding comfortable position to settle ourselves in at ease.

I had to go to the kitchen again, & when I cam back realized this fellow was clicking his pictures & I asked him you could have at least switched on lights. As we settled, I knew that I there is going to be a lt lot more of talking. I generally am not that habitual of asking too much of questions until & unless I am real close to a person or too keen to know.

He again started with his queries of curious conversations - which had Osama - is he really dead? How is this place Andaman & Nicobar Island, Have you ever been to Egypt? He then started telling about his visit to Ajmer & his plans to visit Mumbai soon!

With more of things that he wanted to talk about, I never wanted to invade his privacy by asking him anything personal or professional whatsoever, since he has always seemed to be quite of a complex sorts & whereas his(sadist) life was concerned - I never wanted him to speak and discuss all the saddest of things that he would rather rant in vein every time he would start talking about his life.

The next question raised was - What would it be like a hell or heaven in real? How different or same are our cultures and religions, (he being from a Muslim Community and I being a Hindu), and we talked about Christians and Christianity, Why would Muslim & Christians bury the dead, and why did Hindu's fire the body! Which religion came first into its existence & where from! how true it all was? What are the dreams about? - how real and how fake they are. Do the angels and demon's really exist? The festivals, the clothes, the activities one does in one's religion. How far do we follow & practice religion and spiritualism, to a what extent? Is it necessary to pray and visit temples, mosques, church etc!

Why are people who do bad, happy and why are good ones not in content with there lives?

So are you looking for a girl now? in between he asked,and I replied I might not be on a lookout though  but then if at all someone would click, I might just give it a second thought. I am not looking to get married although but you never know how is destiny going to change things for us all. He stated "everyone needs some one in life", to which I answered, not necessary, life alone can be much more wiser and happier, with no restrictions, no problems, no adjustments, no commitments, no compromises, just you and your family, that's it, why would you want to have a stranger in your life & make someone a part of your world! It's not always that you would get someone alike and good, there is always a risk involved & it could be for worse if at all not for good. Then I started telling him about a girl who was after me, madly in love with me, & right now all that mattered to me was to deal with other things, that were way more necessary for obvious reasons & could not go about wasting my time in mingling around with other nuances of sorts, that were way to time consuming & required much time & effort.

It was already 04;45 am - I so remember the time, since I could hear & see my alarm buzz on my cellphone. It was a relief, when he asked me to switch off the music (that played continuously in loops) and lets go off to sleep, else we would have made a record of being awake whole night & not sleeping eventually.

I mean otherwise also I would have not talked this much & that too about everything, or anything, about certainly and uncertainly of things as a whole, where in life was concerned & the past present or future . Still there were some answered and few unanswered queries to ones interest. 

We got up at 09:00 am from this restless sleep that I had, don't know about him, if he slept well enough. I had to leave morning at 10;00 for some work had to bid him goodbye, and he too had to leave & go back. He went half way and then he realized that he had left his packet at my place, which he came & took. As he went it was a final good bye!

I hope we had such people who could just talk in abundance and be comfortable, without even limiting themselves to any restrictions whatsoever. We all could go answerable to everything asked & still not deprive ourselves with this randomness of sorts, where in, we would have to think before we spilled everything out & we felt good about coming out gladly - whether it was about disclosing our darkest of desirable secrets or anything at all. Not everyone we often find to be so comfortable - of letting ourselves out, confronting to this eagerness of coming out of the so called vulnerability of not being spoken. At the end - it's all about communication and conversation & letting it all out.

Well hell of a conversational nightmare it was, but to an extent these questions needed answers. - Anonymous, 35, Delhi, India 

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