Monday, August 15, 2011


"I wish I could meditate & become a child again.”

I aint a die-hard religious but, I have practiced being religious & spiritual for over many years. Let me share some insightful revelations that have gone into being a practitioner myself. 

I hear people talk about religion, but I fail to understand how they often fail to practice. There may or may not be a hard & fast rule of doing it in a right or wrong way & often difficult to abide by. Well we all try to handle tasks in a way that suits us(self-convenience) in the best possible way. At times we end up overdoing it. Talking about things & doing things are two different things, I've often heard people saying rather being a doer themselves. A doer knows ones strength, ones weakness & how well does he practices before he preaches. 

Many of the qualities that come so effortlessly to dogs - loyalty, devotion, selflessness, unflagging optimism, unqualified love - can be elusive to humans. John Grogan

"I see insane people around me, talking about sanity...I would rather be a silent observer then a big chatter box."

If you are tempted to go to the Himalayas to reach enlightenment, forget it. Many religions tell you to go into the mountains and sit there for years to achieve enlightenment. This is the extremely slow way. I read somewhere..."Being in the world and interacting with other people is the best spiritual practice you can get."You are not interacting with anyone. How can you bring up the negative within you if there are no people around to push your buttons. You will go to higher levels of consciousness by dealing with button pushers all day. Stay where you are. Stay with yourself, bring yourself to the present moment, maybe by just listening to your
breath, maybe by looking at something in the room. Then quietly, softly, give yourself permission to make a new choice if you wish. Embrace a new truth.

There was a time, a phase, when I had devoted myself & a lot of my time & energy with an intent to know, learn & practice. I had a keen interest since my childhood, but as I grew, my curiosity in everything started growing & not everything was about believing, so I had to practice. I was surrounded by people who would guide me thoroughly though. Knowing got better - Things added to my wisdom.

"We all question God, but have we ever answered to what God has always, ever asked us?"

If you want guarantees in life, then you don't want life. You want rehearsals for a script that's already been written. Life by its nature cannot have guarantees, or its whole purpose is thwarted. Whether right or wrong, we often blame him for certain things, at times, and then we say, It must be God's wish. What about us? We do mistakes, do we rectify them? God does rectifies his mistakes, if he does any. God is God, you cant question him, right? We often find ourselves in situations, surrounded by best or worst. Maybe its God's way of saying’ be brave my child, (ascertaining that life is a cycle of birth & death, and all manifestations are merely materialistic approaches)you got to face them.

"Who does not thank for little will not thank for much."- Estonian proverb

My life was like one alarming ritual alerts in clockwise & anti clockwise. At times, I was fed-up of following (practicing & ending up over doing) the same monotonous trails of things, that seem to have been forced upon me by my own self...piled & over burdened. There were times, when I often felt there was something missing, when I failed to even practice. I was getting addicted. But at the end, everything seem to have made sense & I felt there was something that would rescue me. It had brought peace upon me. - Anonymous

"There are only two types of people: one, who escape from their loneliness the majority, the ninety-nine point nine percent, who escape from themselves; and the remaining point one percent is the meditator, who says, "If loneliness is a truth, then it is a truth; then there is no point in running away from it. It is better to go into it, encounter it, see it face to face, what it is. - Osho

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