Thursday, September 12, 2013


The elusive nature of love... it can be such a fleeting thing. You see it there and it's just fluttering and it's gone. Mick Jagger

What if I could love everyone in my phone directory or friend list and get love in return. I mean that’s the least I could expect in anticipation & in case its not returned back, no harm done - It was always about giving unconditionally. Do we always need to have reasons to do things? 

It's not my love or your love - It's something way beyond.

Now if you ask me, i’ll tell you about people who would ask me really weird & witty questions on a serious note. A possible reciprocation or say the most anticipated one to“I love you”was - “I love you too”. Now if someone asked “why do you love me?”- That’s going to be a little difficult to answer. Do we often meant what we say? We could possibly have a variety of lame answers in revert, but have we ever thought how hard it was in totality & in reality to answer something that thoughtful? Well, I’ve ended up asking to my own self at times - why would I love someone & why would someone love me? What it might need or was required to actually get qualified to love or to be loved. Was it the admiration of things or people, that made us fall in love with? Something, that we never had in us & we were always on a lookout for. At the same time, it could be things that existed, but required an admirer who could appreciate and reciprocate mutually likewise. One of the reasons to love someone was to get loved in return & it was not only about physical endurance that one was likely to address but, it was about emotional & mental as well. The whole sharing & caring that underwent addressing-dressing the so called love, fondness and likeness.

Sometimes, its not just like that, I mean if you sincerely feel you love, you love. Most of the time, its just an infatuation, that carries you, which grows. I agree that you don't often get in return the same kind of love. Now this is the point, where the differentiation of love starts to come in & bring about these limits from person to person or things. While I’ve always lived believing that nothing ever could possibly grow unconditionally & until & unless you had conditions that are being fulfilled from both sides, it was hard to witness a condition, where love could mutually be united & existed parallel in complete oneness. There were so many attributes from one person to another,that often made me realized, when it came to love few or many at the same time. How could you possibly end up loving one person or a thing at a time. Well I’ve always believed it to be somewhat irrelevantly false. Love was meant to grow, cant be restrictive to a thing or two - a person or few.

Why it has to be all so complicated? lets make it easy. 

We are often caught up into acceptance & denials of lateral thinking. I mean how less or more are the times when you can actually say this three letter word. You don't need to be bias on any grounds. Why don't we feel comfortable enough telling anyone, random, stranger or someone - I Love You! "It would absolutely be so wonderful"

I’ve come across people who say "please don't talk about love or don't fall in love” why shouldn't I ? If I do, I do! If you cant that's your problem & for whatever reasons (whatever happened in your past, was your experience) I am not going to withhold my decision of loving you in fondness or likeness or talking about it. You could be strange to the whole falling in love again syndrome, but I’ll keep doing what I need to - I’ll be more then willing to love you possibly if I would get it in return with intentions clear & pure - “It's not how you love - its who you love.”it ain't nothing that guarantees anything in life. It's our choice who we accept and what we expect - its all about making things work. 

With so much hatred around - No one has ever been happy with no love, What good it be?

You need guts - whether it was about saying“I love you" or “I hate you.”There are few however - who don't care’& to them nothing hardly matters, but to others - it could mean a world & there world shatters. It not always reciprocates in the same way. We need to be patient & wait for it to come. I have lived so far witnessing, people loving me and hating me. We all are the culprits to blame. Love & hatred has its own handful of peculiar thoughtful in perception - both can grow, fade, diminish, live or die forever or come back or en route to its viciousness in a conclusive or dramatic way to let know the fondness or hatred(fuck you). I’ve learned my part of being choosy with which ones to keep or to do away with as much as others have. 

Try a simple thing! - make a list of people & things, that mean a world to you, or maybe the ones, who are there around you or far, the ones you cant do without or do away with. If you cant go about yelling or in whispers - telling everyone you love little or more, make it a point they hear you(feel) in ways you confide, confront or comfort them. You’ll probably end up being loved. 

Long back, I made several attempts through and through at times more then once to let the other person know, that I had this fondness for & possibly could fall in love and be friends with. They were random people altogether at different phases of my life. It was later, that I realized, few of them were mere infatuations and others just couldn't reciprocate in the same way. I admired them for reasons whatsoever, but it didn't worked. At times they often felt offended, not interested or least bothered. I still at times let people know, that I might admire them or would go about doing anything just to have them. But I guess, I need to stop doing that anymore. As much as I would want to, I wont get trapped by this infatuation to any admiration anymore. 

Are you being admired or being loved & admiring & loving or you are hating & being hated? - Anonymous

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