Thursday, November 28, 2013


While the melancholy sound of a howling dog is an omen of death or extreme misfortune, boredom, illness, injury, lack of exercise or simply as an expression of joy are all reasons for vocalizations in parrots.  

The idea that dogs are in tune with the supernatural has been around a long time, and is believed by many cultures. One of the most common superstitions is that a howling dog foreshadows something ominous. It’s no wonder the plaintive sounds of a dog’s howl has inspired legend and folklore in a variety of cultures. All the growling, howling, barking, whimpering or whining - trying to communicate or getting excited in anxiety, frustration, pain, attention seeking or resource solicitation or begging or cry as part of their age-related cognitive decline - lasting for few seconds or a while, might sound spooky, giving the creeps - sending chills up your spine.  

I’ll be the only one, at top of my voice - doing all the yelling & shouting at the dogs & the birds from my window in my attempt to shoo them away or scolding them - trying to make them understand that they needed to shut-up. It could possibly be one of those oddest of times of weird hours when you didn't wanted to listen to absolutely nothing - you either were awake trying to work on something, that needed your utmost concentration and attention or you wanted to sleep & you completely needed a pin-drop silence. 

Birds can sing at any time of day, but during the dawn chorus their songs are often louder, livelier, and more frequent. It's mostly made up of male birds, attempting to attract mates and warn other males away from their territories (who sing to announce that they are alive, alert and ready to defend their territory & apparently their manly bird song is super attractive to potential mates). They makes noises and behaviors to communicate with each other. They chirp to communicate. They would tweet making short, high sounds, shriek/cry, a very loud, piercing sound, chattering chek-chek-chek, trilled bzeee, a sighing whistle or a quiet quirt, caw by a crow & gurgles and trills to whistles and squawks by parrot and many are the bird version of tone-deaf. As well as the true nocturnal species, reed and sedge warblers among others, sing extensively during the night, hosting a surprising variety of night birds - from nightingales and mockingbirds to corncrakes, potoos and whip-poor-wills - whose voices can be as haunting as any hoot from an owl. The wiring in parrot's brain gives them ability to mimic, imitate sounds & human speech & talk or even understand things & dance to music.

It would take an expert to figure out what these “Noisy-Sounds" (meowcology, barkonomics, moosicology, chirponomy, histrionics) meant, Zoomusicology & the Bioacoustics would have tough time decoding them.

I'll tell you what happen the other day, I noticed some sounds outside and I completely ignored them, until it went for more then an hour after some gaps & continued again. I literally went out to check, what was actually happening. It seemed as if the dogs were out to some mischief. There were these two dogs that stood on the car parked outside, who would stand on two of there legs & sit at intervals, and wag their tail (I could literally see the action) staring at something. To my surprise after a while that I had figured it out by now, was this cat who had climbed up the tree & sat there on one of the branches, staring back to the dogs. The dogs would climb up on the car again & then climb down and the other two would run across & around the tree trying to catch hold of the cat, climbing up to everything they could to reach out. I bet the dogs didn't knew how to climb up the tree & that was only the art cat was well versed with. The poor cat could not come down, as she might have been afraid to death & the poor dogs went on doing, what they were doing for another two hours or so and this went from 03:00 - 06:00 a.m, until there were more passers by & the car was about to get its morning wash. I bet if anyone else noticed, what I just did. No one would have actually realized why the dogs were mischievous? The cat might have already fled away...much relieved - rescuing herself from their clutches. I smiled & giggled to this nocturnal adventure - one of it kinds. Next morning I went talking to the dog's asking them what was there problem? & they just wagged their tail, as if they understood everything & they answered me in their own noisy way and I smiled. Birds have been chirping too, I had fed them last noon, and there was much of it left over, for them to hog over today as well.

All nocturnal creatures have odd times of doing odd things. One nocturnal being would be attentive enough to the other nocturnal one & you would be dragging yourself in a noisy fit. You at the most will not be alone, specially when you are on a nocturnal flight, you will always have a company or two of uninvited guests around, no matter how far or near, which wont be intentional, self imposed or on purpose - as it seemed to be like. I seldom wish, if I could understand there language and possibly end up having a conversation with them. I love them, but its irritating at times, when you just don't want to even listen to your own fucking self & ironically end up talking to them or your ownself. It would have been any other time of the day, it wouldn't hardly matter.

Amidst this twittering, howling & growling you would wonder - why did the two souls did what they did? I guess by now they have adapted themselves to my behavioral patterns & I am still trying to adjust myself to theirs. By now it seems as if they understood 'what I meant', when I yelled, & surprisingly 'I would hear no more noises' & would be glad that I made sense & they certainly would be glad about not hearing anymore of me. Maybe they wanted a companion to have a conversation, maybe they were complaining about a thing or two or communicating with the nocturnal ghosts.

Dogs do use their tails to communicate, though a wagging tail doesn't always mean, "Come pet me!". A tail held straight out means the dog dog is curious about something. If birds are left alone too often or for too long, they can start to scream because they have nothing else to do, and because it usually gets a human in the room to pay attention to them.

It surely was "raining birds, cats & dogs" - Anonymous

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