Thursday, April 21, 2022

Absolutely Knot

How many heads have got their morals tied up in a knot? 

A trivial one, invertible or the least knotted of all.

Shoe lace was the first one, I was ever taught.

& everything else, ever since, carefully wrought.

How my efforts led to naught, all filed with fraught.

Have I ever murmured at aught? Ask me not.

There are several stories, tied up in one thread. 

Do they knot them before they go to bed? 

Tie me a Knot, Absolutely not. 

I could not knot a needed knot! 

Still learning to tie-untie an absolute-obsolete knot. 

Of all the knots that I’ve learned so far, 

there still exist a few forgotten ones touched not. 

Its not been easy. It’s not been kind. 

Yet to its mercy I was confined

As I make those ropes unwind

I’m not sure if I am here to bind.

How many knots have I untied,

Yet how many continue to bind.

Each strand, like a serpent that brushes aside.

A magic wand, kept beside.

A magic spell could unknot a knotted knot.

If at all I've knotted any or way too many.

I might remember a few still left to rot.  

I must’ve lost the count by now

Knot all the inhibitions those dangle, 

forgotten ones still left untangle.

I've ought, Not all, 

only the ones I sought.

A heart with knotted knots, 

unknotting dismantle thoughts. 

I could be in someone’s heart you see, 

or unknotted from someone’s mind & flee. 

A knottier knottiest knot'

nottier notty not

A snottier, snotty snot

Which ones the knottiest of all?

A carefully knotted knot.

they'd subdivide.

I look deprived,

How I attached myself to those who allied,

The clouds within me that reside,

all deemed their selves so blind.

torment...they saw me hide,

refined, enclosed inside.

Perplexed at its simple-complex... Absolutely Knot. - Anonymous 

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